
About Kydd Family Law

Family conflict is far more than a legal process.  Each family conflict is personal, emotional, stressful and unique.

Each client faces different challenges requiring different resources.

In an agreed mediation only a few sessions may be enough to resolve the matter.  On the other hand, where there is domestic violence and other problems,  experts and litigation may be necessary.

After over 30 years of practice we have had the opportunity to note how some of our clients have fared in the long run.   Many clients who do the best are those who face the conflict deeply and seek to understand as much as they can.

Winning is not simply winning in Court.

It is learning new ways to successfully relate to oneself and others in order to insure that your capacity to parent and love continues to grow after the legal case has ended.

While our primary goal is to provide you a good legal outcome, we also seek to provide you new skills and understanding to better manage your future family relationships. Understanding builds insight and insight enhances your capacity to detect and remedy problems before they become legal conflicts. Enhancing your insight increases your capacity to create a more satisfying future relationship.

Most family law conflicts can be settled by mediation or collaboration between counsel. John has mediated for 25 years and wrote the Family Law Deskbook chapter on family mediation.  Mediation and collaboration work very well for some couples. On the other hand, there is no shame in being unable to solve a problem with your spouse.  It is no different than having an illness that requires a doctor.    Judges or private arbitrators are very effective when parties cannot agree on the law or facts cannot negotiate effectively.

“My case began badly. On very short notice, John put together careful and convincing pleadings. At trial I was given primary custody of the boys and their mother was given supervised access. Without John my children would be long gone.” – Client C.E.


Kydd Family Law – “Family Focus”

Our firm focuses upon the life cycle of family needs such as:

* Divorce / * Mediation / * Collaboration /
* Litigation & Arbitration / * Psychological & Financial Planning

For a Free Consultation
Call: 206-624-2329