
Kydd Family Law Rates

Our standard hourly rate is $325/hr for legal representation, mediation, parental coordination or case management. Paralegal work is billed at  $125/hr.

Invoices are sent out monthly.
We accept VISA and Mastercard.

We welcome any questions on billings.

“My four kids who were flailing are now flourishing. I never dreamed this outcome was possible but John just kept at it, mastering the details and slowly and consistently taking their case apart. He stayed steady and professional and did not get into name calling despite the flaming accusations from the other side. He saw a picture I did not see and got us there.” – Nick

Kydd Family Law – “Family Focus”

Our firm focuses upon the life cycle of family needs such as:

* Divorce / * Mediation / * Collaboration /
* Litigation & Arbitration / * Psychological & Financial Planning

For a Free Consultation
Call: 206-624-2329