Testimonials for Kydd Family Law

David vs Goliath

Posted by “Nick”

Mine was a parentage case as we were never married. I had regularly paid support but I was not allowed regular visitation. I was merely looking to pay my fair amount of child support and receive my fair amount of visitation. For years I had not filed legally because her parents were very wealthy and had threatened, on several occasions, to legally destroy me if I asserted my parental rights. I was not looking to get custody, I was only trying to get normal parenting rights.

Their threats were real. The mother’s sister forced her husband through a multiyear ordeal accusing him of every form of abuse and neglect and he had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars just to get rights to see his kids.

I was scared to do anything but John helped me negotiate an agreement that seemed helpful. When we filed all hell broke loose and they made good on their threats. I was accused of every possible form of abuse and neglect as well a violence and perversion. It was terrifying. The mothers family all worked in concert backing each other up. They hired psychologists to back them up and to repeat what the kids had been coached to say. When I married my present wife they attacked her as well. It was like a perfect storm and I felt ready to give up. I had to keep my job to pay my support and this was drowning me.

Their goal was to overwhelm and financially drain-me so I wouldn’t be able to afford to continue, But John paid careful attention to the details and found gaps in their case and weakness in their arguments and slowly opened those gaps with careful and focused discovery which was then shared with the evaluator. He was very truthful and careful with our Judge and discovery rulings went against them and we were awarded more and more fees for their failures to respond. They were accustomed to being successful in the past with these bullying tactics. They were furious that I had accused them of coaching the kids.

In the end, the entire case flipped. I was given primary residential time and their time was cut back and the grandparents were put on supervised visits. My four kids who were flailing are now flourishing. I never dreamed this outcome was possible but John just kept at it, mastering the details and slowly and consistently taking their case apart. He stayed steady and professional and did not get into name calling despite the flaming accusations from the other side. He saw a picture I did not see and got us there. At the final settlement conference, when they finally had no choice but to give up(and agreed to pay even more in fees) I can say it was, next to my marriage day, the happiest day of my life. We had saved four kids from a very difficult situation. The culture of lies was defeated. I just do not have the words to say what I felt. John did not just do a great job on the outcome. He set an example of honesty and integrity and humility in his acts that inspired me in my life. He was never arrogant or confidant of any outcome. He just kept at it, day after day and month after month. He is righteous , tireless and and knows the law. The world needs more lawyers like him.

Just An Excellent Lawyer

Posted by “Douglas”

John has been my lawyer since the beginning of my divorce and his expertise and guidance got me through a very difficult situation.

John is always very well prepared, and he knows his stuff, both the law and the practical ways to efficient move the case forward in an emotionally- charged situation. He and his paralegal, were always on top of deadlines and extremely organized.

We had a difficult and nasty lawyer on the other side for the first part of the case. John was able to deal with her effectively without ever losing his professionalism.

I am a lawyer as well, and I know great legal work from merely good legal work. John just did an excellent job.

Referred By Someone I Trust

Posted by “Client HP”

I was referred to John by someone I trust. My husband was a mess: alcohol, drugs, psycho behavior, not being there for the kids and, of course, blaming me for everything when I was doing all the work and paying the mortgage. I was sick, angry, stressed to the max and I just wanted him gone…outta my life. I was all set to take the kids to Greenland and telecommute. I felt like I’d go round the bend if I had to deal with him.

His counsel filed a motion to get the kids and tried to do a huge hatchet job on me saying I was unfit. John kept his cool, got me to cool down, focused on the facts and not the fight and the outcome was great. Not only that, he did not torpedo my ex but got him into court ordered treatment and supervised visits and after a few years he turned around and cleaned himself up.

I don’t think we will ever get along but the boys benefit from their dad and he benefits from having them and my job as a mom has gone from impossible to possible. My kids are doing much better now that their father is functional and in their lives.

My Case Began Badly

Posted by “Client CE”

My case began badly. A SWAT team came to my house convinced that I had abducted my children and that I had no legal rights to them. They had a writ of Habeas Corpus from the Court. There was no marriage certificate in Washington as we were married in an Islamic wedding overseas. I had no custody papers and their mother secured a divorce from her country (without notice to me) declaring I was not the father and that I had no rights.

I hired John and he quickly negotiated a delay with the Sheriff so the kids would not be taken until after the emergency hearing. On very short notice, John put together careful and convincing pleadings. If the children were taken I would never see them again as I had no rights in their mother’s country. We were worried sick but John used their own arrogance against them and the judge threw out the Habeas Corpus Writ.

Then jurisdiction was challenged to move the case overseas. We won the first hearing, then the reconsideration and then the appeal. At trial I was given primary custody of the boys and their mother was given supervised access. Without John my children would be long gone.

Job Well Done

Posted by “Anonymous”

I hired John several years ago following a protracted, complicated divorce. Custody, visitation, and support issues were constantly being challenged even after my final decree was signed.

Several times a year, for many years, John accompanied me to yet another court hearing. Nothing changed significantly from the original order, however the uncertainty that I felt each time I was served with the newest petition made me appreciate having John as my attorney.

Knowing John would respond appropriately and navigate the legal mine field made my frequent trips back to court less daunting. I did refer a friend to John, because of the insightful way John handled my situation. Even after custody was no longer, John has continued to be a great source of legal advice.

An Excellent Family Lawyer

Posted by “Anonymous”

I highly recommend John Kydd as a family law attorney.

Mr. Kydd has represented me since 2009 for multiple custody issues post-divorce up to current issues in 2013.

As my divorce/custody case was very complex, it was very important for me to find an attorney who was knowledgeable about international divorce and custody issues. I also wanted an attorney who was empathetic to my economic situation and who would strive to get the best possible results for me and my children. John is that kind of lawyer. He cares about his clients and seeks to find reasonable and beneficial outcomes.

He is a vigorous researcher and keeps up to date on matters of family law. He leaves no stone unturned. From Child Support issues, Parenting Plan/Safety issues to Relocation, John got me results.

I would highly recommend John Kydd to any parent seeking an outstanding, trustworthy family lawyer.

Highly Recommend John

Posted by “Erika”

John has been not only an attorney, but a friend and an advocate for me and my children through a very tough divorce.

His advice and counsel is personal, straight forward, fair, and honest – much of which you don’t always expect from an attorney.

He is thoughtful, a good person, and plays fair (but isn’t weak).

I am very thankful to have had him referred to me, and I would refer him to any family or friend in need of a good family attorney.

Client Review

Posted by “Anonymous”

Mr. Kydd is exceptionally well-qualified in the family law area, being a lawyer, a social worker, and a child advocate.

He believes in mediation and self-determination in resolving matters – which is far superior to having a stranger (judge) decide your matter. He is kind sensitive and thoughtful.

Kydd Family Law – “Family Focus”

Our firm focuses upon the life cycle of family needs such as:

* Divorce / * Mediation / * Collaboration /
* Litigation & Arbitration / * Psychological & Financial Planning

For a Free Consultation
Call: 206-624-2329