
Kydd Family Law Services

We have advocated humane resolutions of family difficulties for over 30 years.  We look forward to applying our skill and experience to providing a humane transition for you and your children.

While we can be fiercely protective where necessary,  we prefer to avoid costly legal battles unless they are necessary.

Litigation is not the only path to dispute resolution.  Our first duty is to learn the details of your situation so we can accurately advise you about your options.

Some clients find that they need a fundamental change in their relationship but not a divorce.

Others determine that a divorce or separation is necessary.

If a divorce is necessary, then the outcome is often more favorable if careful planning is done before the case is initiated.

Kydd Family Law – Services Links

* Mediation

* Collaboration

* Divorce

* Litigation and Arbitration

* Psychological and Financial Planning

* Legal Resources Links

“I was referred to John by someone I trust. John kept his cool, got me to cool down, focused on the facts and not the fight, and the outcome was great.” – Client H.P.

Kydd Family Law – “Family Focus”

Our firm focuses upon the life cycle of family needs such as:

* Divorce / * Mediation / * Collaboration /
* Litigation & Arbitration / * Psychological & Financial Planning

For a Free Consultation
Call: 206-624-2329