Divorce Petition / Separation Petition

Divorce or Separation require filing a Petition and proof that the Petition was received by the other party.

Petitions are found in the Resource section of this website.

Divorce requires a Petition for Dissolution and a Legal separation require a Petition for Separation. The end result of both is to divide all property and debt and resolve support and parenting.

A Decree of Separation does not end the marriage.  A Decree of Dissolution does.

Thus parties to a legal separation cannot remarry. There are reasons for not seeking a full divorce.

A Petition for legal separation can be converted to a Petition for Dissolution but this restarts the 90 day minimum time period.


If you have any questions about your own particular situation relating to WA divorce laws or getting a divorce in Washington, please don’t hesitate to reach out for your own free consultation.

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